

谷雨语音合成软件官方网站地址为:https://tts.grainrain.org.cn, 谷雨语音合成软件基于微软 TTS 引擎的语音合成技术,它的主要特征有:

  • 基于NEOSpeech(美语、中文)与IVONA(英语)语音包与TTS技术,提供流畅的美语、英语、中文男女声电脑自动朗读。
  • 直接将文字导出成wav音频文件,轻松搞定各类英语听力制作、视频旁白制作。
  • 既可灵活设定男女声对话、回答停顿时间、语速与音量。又可灵活设定拼读、词法、数字与日期的不同读法。



Welcome to Grainrain TTS

Grainrain TTS is a Speech synthesis software, from within a fully managed environment on 32- or 64-bit Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.

  • Get the latest release.
  • Refer to the documentation for how to get started.
  • Ask a question or raise issues on the issue tracker or Join the chat at Gitter
  • Take a look at the features of Grainrain TTS.
  • View the project on GitHub.

Bug reports or questions

Reporting bugs is the only way to get them fixed and help other users of the library!

Please report issues and ask questions on the GitHub project issue tracker or Gitter


Donations are greatly appreciated. If you find Grainrain TTS useful, or are feeling generous and would like to make a donation to this project, we accept donation’s via Wechat.



  • Based on NEOSpeech (American English, Chinese) and IVONA (English) voice packs and TTS technology, it provides fluent American, English, Chinese male and female voice computer automatic reading.
  • Export the text directly to mav to easily make all kinds of English listening.
  • Both male and female voice dialogue, answer pause time, speaking speed and volume can be flexibly set. It can also flexibly set different reading methods of spelling, morphology, numbers and dates.

Authors and Contributors

kingstudio is the majar contributors for this project.

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